Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Engineering school: L. Bougrain, Interfaces cerveau-ordinateur, 4.5h, 3rd year, Supelec, France

  • Engineering school: T. Tošić, Atelier Artem (Art-Technologie-Management) : ABCDWeb, 30h, 2nd year, ICN, Ecole d'art et design, École des Mines Nancy, France

  • Engineering school: T. Tošić, Parcours de recherche et Initiation à la recherche, 11h, 2nd and 3rd year, Telecom Nancy and École des Mines Nancy, France

  • Engineering school: T. Tošić, Apprentissage automatique - Modélisation avancée des connaissainces, 58h, 3rd year, École des Mines Nancy, France

  • Engineering school: T. Tošić, Tronc Commun d’Informatique - Python, 140h, 1st year, École des Mines Nancy, France

  • Engineering school: T. Tošić, Techniques et Solutions Informatiques, 47h, 2nd year, École des Mines Nancy, France

  • Engineering school: T. Tošić, Pépites Algorithmiques, 18h, 1st year, École des Mines, France

  • Engineering school: T. Tošić, Passerelle au Numérique, 28h, 1st year, École des Mines, France

  • Engineering school: T. Tošić, Model Driven Architecture and UML, 21h, 2nd year, École des Mines, France

  • Engineering School: F. Giovannini, Intelligence artificielle (3rd year), 34h, Telecom Nancy, France

  • Licence: L. Buhry, Applications en Sciences Cognitives, 3h , niveau L1 MIASHS, University of Lorraine, France

  • Licence: L. Buhry, Programmation Python, 37h, level L1 MIASHS, University of Lorraine, France

  • Licence: L. Buhry Probabilités-Statistiques, 30h, level L1 MIASHS, University of Lorraine, France

  • Licence : L. Buhry, IA et Résolution de problèmes, 25h, level L3 MIASHS, University of Lorraine, France

  • Licence : L. Bougrain, développement sur mobile, 35h, Licence of computer science (3st year), University of Lorraine, France

  • Licence : L. Bougrain, Intelligence artificielle, 35h, Licence of computer science (3st year), University of Lorraine, France

  • Licence : L. Bougrain, Optimisation, 37.5h, Licence of computer science (3st year), University of Lorraine, France

  • Master : L. Buhry, Algorithmique pour l’intelligence artificielle, 31h, niveau Master 1 SCA (Sciences Cognitives et Applications), University of Lorraine, France

  • Master : L. Buhry, IA fondamentale et fouille de données, 18h, niveau Master 1 SCA (Sciences Cognitives et Applications), University of Lorraine, France

  • Master: L. Buhry, Formalismes de Représentation et Raisonnement, 25h, niveau Master 1 SCA (Sciences Cognitives et Applications), University of Lorraine, France

  • Master: L. Buhry, Memory and Machine Learning, 38h, niveau Master 1 SCA (Sciences Cognitives et Applications), University of Lorraine, France

  • Master : L. Buhry, Neurosciences Computationnelles, 25h, niveau Master 2 SCMN, University of Lorraine, France

  • Master : L. Bougrain, Apprentissage automatique, 18h, Master of computer science, 2st year, University of Lorraine, France

  • Master : L. Bougrain, Facteurs humains, 30h, Master of computer science 1st year, University of Lorraine, France


  • PhD : Meysam Hashemi, Analytical and numerical studies of thalamo-cortical neural population models during general anesthesia, Univ. Lorraine, Jan. 14, 2016, A. Hutt [2]

  • PhD : Mariia Fedotenkova, Extraction of multivariate components in brain signals obtained during general anesthesia, Univ. Lorraine, Dec. 2, 2016, A. Hutt [1]

  • PhD in progress : Cecilia Lindig-Leon, Multilabel classification of EEG-based combined motor imageries implemented for the 3D control of a robotic arm, November 2013, A. Hutt and L. Bougrain

  • PhD in progress : Francesco Giovannini, Mathematical modelling of the memory system under general anesthesia, Oct. 2014, L. Buhry and A. Hutt

  • PhD in progress : Sébastien Rimbert Study of the dynamics of brain motor components during anesthesia, January 2016, A. Hutt and L. Bougrain

  • PhD in progress : Amélie Aussel, Extraction of electrophysiological markers and mathematical modeling of epileptic hippocampus, Oct. 2016, L. Buhry, Patrick Hénaff and R. Ranta


Laure Buhry was member of the PhD committee of Meysam Hashemi, University of Lorraine.

Laure Buhry was member of the PhD committee of Guillaume Viejo, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris